'Round About Campus
Want to think about transformational work in higher education? Each month, ‘Round About Campus hosts Alex and Z talk with people across the higher education and student affairs landscape about ways to envision new, innovative, and engaging ways to further college student learning and development. A compliment to the About Campus scholarly magazine, ‘Round About Campus serves up bite-sized episodes where we can be good company with listeners as we collective explore answers to the question: what’s next in student affairs praxis?
‘Round About Campus is co-hostessed by Dr. Alex Lange (Colorado State University) and About Campus Executive Editor Dr. Z Nicolazzo (University of Arizona). The podcast publishes episodes during the academic calendar year, taking breaks for summer and winter leaves. If you have ideas for people to feature or topics to cover, let us know by reaching us at AboutCampusMag@gmail.com.
'Round About Campus's cover art was designed by Mary Ellen Wade.
'Round About Campus
About Promoting Rest from the Top with Cori Bazemore-James and Alina Wong
Welcome to 'Round About Campus, the podcast for the About Campus magazine, the scholarly magazine of ACPA-College Student Educators International.
In our third season of 'Round About Campus, we take a go at having a book club. The book we have chosen to focus on for the season is Ashley Neese's Permission to Rest: Revolutionary Practices for Healing, Empowerment, and Collective Care. In this episode, co-hostesses Alex C. Lange and Z Nicolazzo talk with Drs. Cori Bazemore-James and Alina Wong about how they incorporate practices of rest in the work they do with student affairs educators.
Dr. Cori Bazemore-James (she/her), Seneca Nation, serves as Assistant Vice Provost of the Graduate School Diversity Office and Affiliate Faculty in the Higher Education program at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She is also a Consultant/Trainer for Strategic Diversity Initiatives consulting and a budding Leadership Coach. Cori’s research centers Indigenous Knowledge to support and magnify the work of Indigenous students and staff in historically white institutions. Her proudest professional accomplishments include publications from her award-winning research, founding the ACPA Indigenous Student Affairs Network, and leading the development of the first Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) standards for Indigenous Student Affairs.
Dr. Alina Wong currently serves as the Vice President for Institutional Equity at Macalester College in St. Paul, MN on Dakota land. This newly formed division guides and facilitates strategic initiatives to advance and embed equity and social justice throughout the College, including equity education and practice; advocacy and support; and collaborative partnerships with faculty, staff, students, and alumni to address institutional barriers and structural inequities. Her scholarship emphasizes intersectionality as a lens for interrogating and transforming higher education. In addition to Macalester, they have previously worked in Advancement, student affairs, and educational equity at Amherst College, Swarthmore College, Barnard College, and Penn State University.
In this episode, a number of people, publications, and bits of pop culture are discussed, including:
- The work of Lee Anne Bell, especially Bell's contributions in Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice;
- Patricia Hill Collins' The Four Domains of Power;
- The work of Kimberlé Crenshaw;
- Research is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods by Shawn Wilson;
- Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey; and
- The Lives of Campus Custodians: Insights into Corporatization and Civic Disengagement in the Academy by Peter M. Magolda.
As always, if you have feedback, do not hesitate to email us via AboutCampusMag@gmail.com.
You can get a full transcript of the episode here.
You can access a full transcript of this episode, including links to those scholars, publications, and community engaged/creative works discussed through this link.